Charge thrust (236A/B/AB):
Ken thrust his spear at his opponent the A version range hits further than 5B.
B version hits near full screen.
A is quick but -17
B is slow but is +1
AB is slower than A but much faster than B and is +6
Gigantic impact (A/B/AB follow up to charge thrust)
A version gives hard knockdown on hit and can catch mash easily.
B version is safe on block but much slower, also since it pushes opponent back while coming out, allows good positioning with the dog.
AB version is a mix between A and B versions and gives shock.
Diarama (214A/B/AB:
Ken heals himself and Koromaru
A heals a little bit and has a short recovery.
B heals a decent chunk but has more recovery.
AB heals the same as B but has recovery like the A version.
Diarama also works when Koro is off screen.
Diarama does not work while Koromaru is K.O
Diarama now Has projectile invul on A and B heal. (this can beat bursts)
SB has full armor.
Zan ei (236C/D/CD):
Koromaru spins across the ground
C version is faster but travels a short distance. bounces back on block after 2 hits.
D version has more start up but he travels much further. bounces back on block after 2 hits.
CD version has C version startup and travels near full screen super fast. the dog has much less recovery on block and doesn't bounce back so you may continue pressure with it.
Getsu ei (214C/D/CD):
Koromaru jumps and spins down onto the opponent.
C version has the dog hop a spin a short distance into the air, back on block after 2 hits.
D version has a lot of horizontal distance and is useful for pressure and oki, back on block after 2 hits.
CD version has less startup, travels faster with less vertical height and has more hits on block than C/D versions
Last updated